Feeling A Little Artsy? Follow These Top Indian Art Influencers
Art is such an important part of human culture and our individual lives. Each form of art is a mode of expression and significance of history. But you don’t need to know all about the Renaissance times or know the famous artists and learn to appreciate abstract art even though you do not understand one bit of it. Art is subjective and anybody can create it as well as appreciate it in their own way.
But can art really join the league of new influencer marketing niches?
In the past couple of years we have seen different types of influencer marketing niches come in the limelight. Most of them have been brought to us by the experts of their respective fields who started using social media as a platform for expression of their work. Somewhere between that, art became one of the leading niches of 2022.
There are many established as well as small businesses on Instagram, YouTube and other social media platforms who are from the art industry. This is not limited to the vendors of the traditional art supplies but also the residents of the digital world.
Art has many medium and there’s an audience waiting to explore that. Simialrly, there’s also brannds from the niche waiting to use influencer markreting to boost awareness around their products.
Where can you find art influencers to collaborate with?
If you are a brand that wants to find influencers for your influencer marketing campaign, then you must join an influencer marketing platform. These platforms will help you connect to influencers from your niche. Using an influencer marketing platform is one of the top tips for effective influencer outreach that you can rely on.
WORD Marketplace is an influencer marketing platform that is a perfect space for niche brands and influencers to connect with each other. It is an influencer marketing tool that provides all the features you need to independently find influencers, run a campaign, and track your performance.
Here’s is a list of top Indian art influencers to get you started

Kesh is a YouTube influencer, an Indian artist, and an art tutor. His art style radiates joy and just looking at it can cheer you up. If you are a budding artist, you can totally check out his tutorials on his YouTube, his courses, or even attend his workshops.

2. Mamata Singh
Mamata Singh is a muralist/street artist who has worked on multiple projects drawing murals for cafes, hostels, hotels, offices, and so much more. She also gives tutorials about how to make easy wall murals. So, if you ever wanted to change your bedroom wall and paint all over it but didn’t know how to go about it, you should definitely check out Mamata’s content.

3. Alicia Souza
Alicia Souza is a parenting influencer, an artist, and an amazing content creator who is always ready to share the shenanigans of her cute family. She uses her art to depict her day-to-day life, her parenthood adventures, her different brand collaborations, and her personal projects. Her art style is very simple and can make anyone smile. She is an influencer who started her own business that sells baby accessories. If you want to wrap your babies in quilts that have the most adorable doodles, then you should definitely check out her brand Aunty Alie.

4. Art of Chai
Chatinaya Limaye, the creator of Art of Chai, is an artist who is perfect at capturing the best of life moments in his drawings. Anyone can enjoy his art, anyone can relate to it, and anyone can look at it and reminisce their sweet memories. And if you are keen to learn art from him, you should definitely check his Skillshare courses. Plus, do not forget to check out his other account Ru and Chai which is a page run by him and his partner Rucha. This artist couple is really good at what they do and if you feel like buying their products or art, make sure to check out their website.

5. Neha Doodles
We all love watching reel trends made using doodles. What? You haven’t seen them yet? Then it’s high time that you check out Neha’s reels and be delighted that you have discovered them at last. Her reels and comics are inspired by the desi life that we can all relate to and live through.

Colorful art? Check. Relatable comics? Check. Adorable Characters? Double-check. Free spirit? You have hit the jackpot. Vijaya Aswani is a free spirit in a true sense and art reflects that very well. Her happy, cheerful vibes can be seen in her art. She also takes art commissions for various projects, but what will strike your fancy are her desi wedding cards. If you want one for your own wedding, you can definitely get her own board. And if you are an artist who wants to explore this niche of drawing, then you should check out her courses and workshops.

7. Jignesh
Jignesh is an artist and a student of animation and design. His art comprises simple characters that are influenced by Indian culture, current affairs, and pop culture. You should look out for his workshops if you want to learn to make simple characters inspired by the surrounding.

8. Rob
Didn’t we all love watching M.A.D as kids? Now, we get to watch Rob try out even more new things on his Instagram and YouTube. His art was amazing, and it is amazing now. It’s always fun to remember an artist from when you were younger and watch them grow with time. His art style has evolved a lot in a decade and that only means that they are more diverse than before.
These artists will add a new twist to your Instagram feed and to your imagination as well. Art helps you shape your ideology, mood, and builds character. It’s a hobby for some and a career choice for others. Or for some, it’s just something to look at and appreciate. Either way, this list of top Indian art influencers can help you introduce yourself to some of the finest artists.